The congregation of Community of Faith is composed of people dedicated to doing the work of God's Kingdom in this current world. Both the leadership and its congregation are determined to serve God in a spirit of excellence. Community of Faith is a spiritual oasis for those in need of biblical care and support.
Community of Faith is commited to being:
A community committed to WORSHIP, led by the Holy Spirit, glorifies God, magnifies His Son, and edifies His people as every member celebrates in worship.
A community committed to a life of HOLINESS, which must be the focus of each member. We strive to obey all of God’s commandments, apply the principles of Jesus’ teachings, as follow the leading & guiding of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
A community committed to EVANGELISM that is conducted with compassionate vigor as we inspire & equip our members to be witnesses for Christ by seeking the lost and the unchurched.
A community committed to ACCOUNTABILITY and to pursuing excellence in our administration through skillful stewardship of our talents, time, facilities, finances, and all resources entrusted to us by God and His people, at every level of the church.
A community committed to TRAINING Christians to be skilled in leading people to Christ through training that is biblically based, contemporary in its application and aimed at realizing the vision of Jesus Christ.
Community of Faith's Mission, having accepted the commission of Christ, is to seek to fulfill that commission by loving, evangelizing, and teaching all to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
Community of Faith's Vision is to impact the lives of believers and non-believers that we may become better disciples for Christ.
What We Believe
We believe in ONE GOD, and that He alone is God. That.He is eternal, invisible, infinite in wisdom, goodness, mercy, love, grace, and power. He is Maker of Heaven and earth and that as God. He is triune, being revealed as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son of God
We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God is the second person in the Godhead, co-equal and coexistent, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost. We further believe in the fullness of time He was made manifested in the flesh, incarnated by the power of the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third Person in the triune Godhead; and that He is ever present and active in the Church of Christ challenging and regenerating those who believe in Jesus Christ; dwelling in, sanctifying, teaching, and comforting believers and guiding them into all truth as it is in Christ Jesus and empowering them to witness.
The Holy Bible
We believe that the Holy Bible is composed of sixty-six books, known as the Old and New Testaments, and that said books contain the eternal inerrant word of God. We believe that the Bible was written by holy men as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and that it contains all necessary truth pertaining to salvation and to Christian living.
Original Sin
1. We believe that original sin is the corruption of the nature of all offspring of Adam by which they are separated from original righteousness and made sinners by nature, and that it is referred to in the scriptures as, the carnal mind; the flesh; sin that dwelleth in me; and such like.
2. We believe that original sin prevents man from entering into the presence of God and makes man unfit for the service of God and to keep God’s holy law.
3. We believe that original sin cannot be overcome by mere force of human will, nor by mental culture but must be eradicated by the Holy Spirit through the blood of Jesus Christ.
4. We believe that original sin brings every man under the penalty of death and makes man by nature a child of wrath, and that only Christ can deliver from the penalty of death and restore man to divine favor and give everlasting life.
We believe that atonement made by Jesus Christ through the shedding of His blood for the remission of sins is for the whole human race; whosoever repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin.
We believe that repentance is a sincere change of the mind involving a sense of personal guilt of sin and a turning away from sin to righteousness; and that the penitent heart is graciously helped and pardoned by the spirit of God.
We believe that justification is God’s judicial work done for man, whereby full pardon is granted to all who repent, believe, and receive Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, exonerating him from the guilt of sin.
We believe that regeneration is a spiritual transformation wrought in the heart of the penitent by the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of the word of God, renewing him in the spirit of his mind and that no accountable person may enter into the kingdom of God without having this experience.
We further believe that regeneration is manifested by victory over the world and sin, and by regulating one’s relationship with all men according to the will of God, having the heart filled with divine love.